As we explained here (How long do boxing gloves last?) boxing equipment can deteriorate with use and especially boxing gloves can deteriorate based on the weight, the experience of the boxer, the type of use and duration and intensity of workouts.
In this article we will explain how you can increase the durability of your boxing gloves, and especially leather gloves, which if treated in the right way, can last much longer.
Finally, we will give a list of products and methods that should NOT be used / applied at all, although they are often recommended.
Here is a series of 5 methods that in our experience as boxing equipment manufacturers could make your gloves last longer.
- Dry the gloves
- Clean the outer skin with specific products
- Use specific skin creams
- Use different gloves for sparring / techniques and for the bag
- Choosing the right ounce for your weight
Dry your gloves
gloves in the bag without allowing the outer skin and inner lining to dry out. In fact, if the damp remains on the inner and outer surface of the glove, it risks damaging both the outer material and the foams that weaken with humidity and break with use.
We therefore recommend that you dry the gloves by keeping them open on a hanger or with a roll of cardboard (e.g. paper towel roll) at room temperature, possibly not close to excessively hot surfaces.
Clean the outer skin with specific products
The outer skin after using the pair of gloves should be dried with a cloth. By doing this, you could also use specific products for leather, which in addition to softening the skin, clean it from stains that may have formed in contact with the partner (sweat, blood, dyes from other clothing), or with other boxing tools, like your training partner’s bag, pads or gloves.
Use specific creams for leather
In addition to being dried and cleaned, the leather should be treated regularly with specific creams or sprays (depending on the type of skin) to extend its useful life. In fact, the skin of the boxing glove, being “abused” with scratches, damp, heat, etc. reduces your stamina one workout after another. Some of these products, on the other hand, can increase the softness and durability of the skin, which being less rigid and more “hydrated” makes it easier to relax and therefore does not risk breaking or scratching.
Use different types of gloves depending on the use
Another useful tip, which we covered here (Which boxing gloves to choose?), which also affects the durability of your training gloves is choosing and buying different gloves for different types of activities. In fact, using the same boxing glove for the bag, sparring, techniques and passes with the coach exponentially reduces the useful life of the boxing equipment.
We therefore recommend purchasing two different gloves for bag training (not necessarily the bag glove), and for technical training or sparring. It might seem counterintuitive, but buying two pairs saves the boxer a lot of money, as the glove lasts much less when used for all types of training and for the duration of the same.
Choosing the right ounce for your weight
Another good way to increase the durability of your gloves is to buy a pair of gloves that are suitable for your weight and, consequently, for the power of the blows. In fact, a light hairstyle means less padding, which must absorb the power of the boxer.
The heavier the athlete, the more the glove must be chosen with a foam that resists shocks, as less foam and less absorbency means greater “wear” of the glove