different kind of foams and materials inside the most common and famous boxing gloves

The padding differences between boxing gloves

Boxing gloves have significant differences in structure and padding. In this article we will see in detail all the characteristics of the padding of boxing gloves, in order to make the choice easier according to need.

First of all, it is useful to divide the gloves into 4 macro categories:

Which in turn differ considerably in the materials used to create the foams or the set of foams inside the glove.

Boxing-gloves “anti-shock” or thermoformed

These gloves are usually used in the amateur context.

The foam of these gloves is usually polyurethane with different densities depending on the manufacturer or company that produces them. The foam is thermoformed, that is, hot stamped in a shape that always makes them the same and (theoretically) gives them the same performance.

The purpose of these gloves is to reduce impact as efficiently as possible. First of all thanks to a thick high-density padding which has a good resistance to compression. This means that it is difficult for the knuckles to “feel” at the moment of impact and all the power of the punch will be discharged into a larger surface, thus reducing the chances of a KO.

The huge disadvantage of this foam is the difficulty in clenching your fist. Which means boxers often hit wrong punch parts, become unaccustomed to clenching hands and risk wrist injuries.

Non-thermoformed-single-layer-boxing gloves

These gloves are usually low-level and contain a single foam. It is usually a rigid material that makes the glove medium protective at the beginning of use. The foam is put in place with glues and processes that shape it, but also make it rigid and not comfortable.

This glove padding, mainly created in foreign countries, is handmade. In artisanal production, detail is usually taken care of, while in wholesale production, machinery is usually used to reduce errors and waste.

As these gloves are usually made massively, but by hand, the number of errors is very high and the quality of the foam, as well as that of the workmanship, is not taken care of.

The risk with these gloves is to injure your knuckles, hand and wrists.

Boxing gloves multi-layer (multi-layer)

Multilayer padding is the most common. Depending on the workmanship, the care in the choice of materials, the cut and the shape, the boxing glove can have absolutely different aspects and sensations on the hand.

The materials usually used (in order of quality) are:

  • Foam of multiple pressed materials (so-called “carpet foam”)

Unstable, rigid and made of different materials pressed together with industrial glues

  • EVA of different densities

Plastic material with different densities that gives rigidity and protection

  • Polyurethane (30 -45 – 60 – 75 and 90 KG)

Polyurethane material, protective and absorbent

  • Latex in different densities

Semi-rigid protective material

  • Other materials of different technology

Silicone materials that stiffen when a force is exerted (for more information see other types of gloves)

These layers are joined in different thicknesses and shapes to form the foams of some of the most famous glove brands we know (grant, winning, cleto reyes, Boxia etc.).

Usually the impact is more muffled and softer in gloves that contain polyurethane foams, while in gloves of the “Mexican” type, with latex, the sensation is a drier and more decisive blow.

In cheaper gloves, on the other hand, the so-called “carpet foam” is used for the colors of the different materials that compose it. This is characterized by a noticeable stiffness and an unpleasant sensation on the hand.

The advantage of these foams is that often the manufacturer specifically chooses which materials to use to ensure the protection of various parts of the hand and, at times, to also protect the user’s coaches or training partners (see the different styles of boxing gloves).

Boxing gloves in horsehair ( professional gloves)

Horsehair gloves are the most classic of boxing gloves. If we opened a glove from the first half of the 1900s, we would certainly still find horsehair or animal hair in the padding. The choice of this material fell in the economy and in the moderate absorbency of these types of materials. Foams did not yet exist and the first artisans who produced gloves chose to insert an object that was always within reach, inside tanneries and places where leather was worked: horsehair.

Although resistance and with an almost centennial duration, to date this type of padding has been abundantly surpassed in training gloves as it is not sufficiently protective and difficult to make the gloves reach the required ounce.

For this reason, most of the horse hair gloves also contain foams and materials that are able to compensate for the shortcomings of the horsehair.

As regards use, this padding is still used in high-level gloves for professional matches (Grant, cleto reyes, di nardo, Boxia etc.). The differences are therefore in the type of pattern used and in the foam or material / s that are used to better protect the boxer and make the boxing glove the correct style.


These gloves, produced to date by a few companies (RIval boxing), use very advanced materials and used in motor sport and other sports and military applications. These sheets of material are soft and malleable, but stiffen when a force is applied, discharging the impact and transforming it into heat. Since hardening would imply a glove too hard to be used in sparring (these materials are used in some motorcycle gloves for example) these types of boxing gloves are perfect for making heavy bags, reducing weight and improving the protection of the hand.

So which boxing gloves to choose?

As usual, everything depends on experience, the type of business and above all the spending power.

In our opinion, the glove must have the best relationship between quality and price in each of its price ranges. Therefore, we advise amateurs to choose more “robust” and simpler antishock gloves than single-layer gloves that usually have very aesthetically appealing graphics.

Growing as an experience, we believe that it is better to spend slightly more and buy a quality multi-layer product with the characteristics of a sought-after feeling (tight hand or free hand; already curved hand or possibility to open it; wide or narrower strap; more rigid padding in latex or soft polyurethane) and with adequate protection on the hand and wrist.

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