In this article we will deal with the production of boxing gloves and combat sports equipment. It is a topic that is important to us because many brands do not care about producing quality or sustainable products, nor do they care who and how they make their products.
Countries where boxing equipment is produced:
- Pakistan
- China
- India
- Thailand
- Mexico
- Europe, Japan UK and USA
These nations have been placed in the following order, for reasons of quantity produced, not for quality or for other productive reasons.
Pakistan and China are undoubtedly the world leaders in the production of gloves and boxing equipment in general. Some of the most famous commercial brands (including our own) are produced there. The expertise is very large, but often materials, production methods and inexperienced manpower are used.
The production waste is very high, there is no care in the production and often (not always, but very often) the product is of poor quality and low level.
Going up with the quality but going down with the quantities, we have Thailand and India. Here the prices begin to rise, as well as the quality of the product. Often the leathers are of good quality, as well as the internal foams.
Since it is also mass production, there is a lower production quality than the industries located in the following countries.
Mexico is the home of the boxing glove. The mitt as we know it was invented in Mexico. Good gloves are produced here with materials of recognized quality. The watchword is durability, but sometimes the evolution of boxing is neglected, creating “old school” products, very hard, which slightly reduce the power of the punch impact (here an article on the padding of boxing gloves , while here an article in which we talk about the power of the impact of the different gloves).
Finally, we find the countries where the best handcrafted gloves in the world are produced.
In first place in terms of volumes is Japan, followed by the United Kingdom and Italy and the United States at the bottom.
The productions in these countries are highly sought after. The best materials, leathers, foams are used and there is enormous research to create a product that can guarantee protection to boxers, elegance and durability.
The materials have special characteristics and are structured in a unique way.
Boxia has chosen production in Italy, because it is the home of leather goods. All the major brands use Italian leather because it is the most beautiful, as well as resistant leather in the world.
Furthermore, the choice fell on Italy because we always want to have the products we create at hand, knowing which material, which foams and even which thread is used to sew our gloves.
Once ready, after the quality control, they are taken, worn and inspected again, so that the boxer who will use them can experience the true made in Italy quality.
And all this because we want every athlete to be able to express himself in the ring for who he is, wearing the highest quality materials that protect him during training and sparring.