Learn more about the types of boxing headgears divided by the various price ranges

In this short article we will cover a brief division of boxing headgears, what materials they are made of, what is inside the boxing headgearsto make them protective against bumps and blows and what are the pros and cons of buying these kinds of boxing protection.

Boxing headgearsare very different from each other in terms of shape, purpose, external materials, but above all for what they contain inside.

For your convenience we will divide the headgears into three (price) ranges:

  1. Inexpensive Boxing headgears
  2. Mid-priced boxing headgears
  3. High-level boxing headgears

Cheap-boxing headgear

This type of headgear is usually in the 0-79 € price range and is usually not very protective.

What’s inside cheap boxing headgears

Inside the headgear we will find mainly three materials, already explained in detail in the article “padding differences inside boxing gloves”.

The first is definitely polyurethane of different densities, usually between 45 and 60 kg.

Inside the so-called “carpet” foam, with mixed densities and never the same, due to the way it is created;

finally, industrial synthetic fibers, usually scraps of frayed fabrics, are used especially for facing headgears and cheek pads.

What’s on the outside of cheap boxing headgears

What these internal foams and materials cover varies greatly from brand to brand. Very often on the outside we will find synthetic materials, such as imitation leather, or animal leather such as buffalo, of lower quality than cowhide.

PRO of the cheap boxing headgear

Boxing headgearuseful for first use, especially for children, who have less chance of being injured or hurt in sparring

Cons of the cheap boxing headgear

headgear with uncertain foam density, with reduced visibility and often an uncomfortable lacing. Not suitable for medium and high level athletes, especially in sparring.

Medium price Boxing-headgear

This type of combat sports equipment has a price ranging from 80 € up to 119 € (it can be a higher range depending on the knowability of the brand).

The mid-priced headgears are certainly better than those mentioned above and among these there are also those that are used for amateur competitions.

What’s inside mid-priced boxing headgears

Inside these headgears lies principalely of polyurethane foam of stiffer density (60kg or more) in one or more layers. Sometimes this type of polyurethane is a machine made IMF to ensure it is always the same size. Synthetic fibers are also rarely used in reinforcement areas.

What’s on the outside of mid-level boxing headgears?

We also start with these headgears made of best quality synthetic leather or buffalo. Sometimes top grade cowhide is also used, but never premium grade leather.

PRO of the mid-level boxing headgear

The mid-level headgear has good visibility and protection. Thanks to the good quality materials it can last for years without losing its protective capabilities. Often the first breaking points are the seams, as there is a tendency to save both in processing and in labor to optimize costs.

CONS of the cheap boxing headgear

headgears not suitable for people looking to protect themselves better during their workouts. Many details are not taken care of and there are often structural flaws that reduce the usability of the helmet, especially in lit sparring or boxing training or other hard combat sports (helmet that unfastens, rotates, etc.)

Top-level-boxing headgears

Here we are now to the headgears that every good athlete, or agonist and professionals should use.

The high quality boxing headgear does not differ from the others only for the price, nor for the type of graphics, which are often sparse and highlight the quality of the materials used, the finishes and the seams.

The price of this equipment ranges from 120 € to 450 € depending on the brand.

These boxing headgears are the ally par excellence in the toughest sparring and training sessions for people who try to give their best in the gym, but need the right tools during their sessions.

What’s inside high-end boxing headgears

Inside these headgears can contain the most disparate materials, designed and positioned in various ways and with different thickness. They range from polyurethanes (60-75 and 90 kg), latex, EVA, pressed polyurethanes, other highly technological anti-shock materials.

What’s on the outside of high-end boxing headgears?

Usually in the most classic brands premium cowhide is used, but in exceptional cases high-level synthetic material, highly resistant and long lasting, is also used.

CONS of the top-level boxing headgear


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